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I want to fly away

this is my little corner of that huge technological innovation they call the internet, if you take a moment to pass the time and see, maybe you'll get to know me better, if you know me at all. <><

My Photo
Location: I'm lost in the, United Kingdom

Never Perfect. But Perfectly Forgiven.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Now all i need is the toga....

"Si Deus, non est comprehendis. Si comprehendis, non est deus" wow, i'm just a regular old socrates, i wear sandals (even in the snow!) study philosophy/theology and now i know some latin! anybody know what it means? Well, its a description of the nature of God, rather accurate i think too;
"if its God, you won't understand it. If you understand it, its not God"
how cool is that?!
Well i think so anyway!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Look at me, i have the internet agan!

For the last few days i've been without the joys of online, well, anything! since the IT people thought it would be fun to screw with the wireless transmitters, but now, obviously i'm back again! Ahh, its been so annoying without it, but the connection is no better so still no msn messenger. Oh well, guess its better than nothing. Well, just thought i'd inform you all!! Catch you later!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

For the Nerd Within

There are 10 types of people in this world;
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Monday, November 21, 2005

No more Getting older

Right, that's it, i've decided; i'm, not going to grow up any more. i'm, going to be a veritable peter pan, infact i want to go back even further and be a kid again. Innocence, what a beautiful thing to be shattered by the world we live in today. it sucks. So now i want to make sure i don't get any older. Why would anyone want to grow up anyway? You study for years, learning pointless and completely usesless infomation that only equips yout to learn even more pointless things and nothing of any practical use. you get a job to pay for things, fine, but why have money in the first place? who's idea was that!? i bet it was some rich guy, just wanting to keep himself secure even at the expense of others. why do i have to do this? what says that myonly options are either study, or work? isn't there just so much more to life, of course there is, but it costs money, so to get that you have to work, meaning you have to study, but once you get a job you spend all your time earning the money and paying tax that you never get a chance to do anything with it other than go and earn more only to spend it on things!? I just want to run away somewhere, leave all this behind, go and live in my own little world away from pressures and responsibilities, money, people and society. make a respectable living from making my own food and belongings but just enjoying my life, not just having to squeeze little fun bits in here and there but have to go back to the mundane day to day reality of the so called "real world"
Well the real world is out there, but most people can't see it , they're too blinded byt his concept of work to live/live to work. Why?! why do we have to do this? isn't life more than that, there is so much more than this, there has to be. where is the time to enjoy the beauty around us, where is the space to reflect and find yourself? why are there never enough hours in the day, days in the week, years in our lives?
But could i leave it all behind? My family, my friends, my things? if i could, would i? sure i would, for a bit, until i started missing people, places, things. But there's no reason why that would change, people are here to enjoy being around eachother, that's why there's so many of us and we're all so diverse, but yet again, life like this gets in the way of all that, how often have i seen you all? how often do i spend with people, my family? how often to i get to enjoy nature, have enough time to stop and enjoy a sunset. See the waves. gaze at the stars? I don't, theres always something else, something that someone tells me is "more important" who is it that tells me its more important, and who are they to prioratise my life!? I have essays in for a few weeks, and until i do them i have all this pressure hanging over me "got to get it done, got to finish it, got to read around the subject" and once i do get it done, what happens? they give me even more to do! this sounds like a rage about "the man" well, if it is, this is me stickin' it to the man! who set these thingsa in order? who said my choices have to be so limited, why is my life already planned out ofr me so narrowly even before its really even begun!? so i'm like a quarter of the way through already, a quarter of my life, and what have i done? what can i say i have achieved? what difference have i made?! Now, bigger question, given an open chance, open decisions, if someone said i could do anything i want, would i have spent the last eighteen years any differently?
I don't know.
i don't even know who i am anymore, i just feel so squashed, i want to break free, be free and fly away.
Oh man i'm screwed up

Friday, November 18, 2005

I'm going HOME!

Yay! i get to sleep in my own bed, not that its that comfortable but the one here feels strange and i don't like the little foil packets that lurk under the matress. : /
anyway, its best not to think about that!
i haven't really got much to put here, i'm kind of wasting time, i'm waiting to be picked up but in the mean time i can't be bothered to do any work. Playing on funny old dos games that i've downloaded, thats fun, reminds me of childhood, when i was more computer literate than i am now! i used to be able to program from dos and now i get lost in XP!!
Oh, there goes t'internet connection again, oh no i'm back! if this ever gets published i supposed you wont be any more enlightened than you would be if it hadn't. oh well. I've spent ages listening to my Iona CD, they're so cool if ever you're in a spaced out mellow mood, they're like an irish folk, prog rock, techno, heavy metal fusion, groovy! Have you ever heard of the island of Iona, i'm going to go there one day, its one of my minor life ambitions, but probably one of my only achieveable ones! (others include being able to fly, playing a huge gig infront of thousands of people, shooting a "darkness style" video on top of a cliff, oh and being able to play guitar!)
And talking about being spaced out, i have just the thing to make my room a chill house (i haven't actually got it yet, i'm working on it for a christmas present!), you ever heard of a laserpod? its like a suped up lava lamp, with lazers and LED's!!!! you can get them from firebox.com (another AMAZING invention) but they're cheaper on ebay (the scourge of student loans) i've spent tonnes of money that i haven't got on those two sites, grr, why oh why did they invent online shopping!!! its just TOO CONVENIENT!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Sorry, was pressing the shift key!, 21 comments!maybe i should start a new post (oh look, i already have!), the last was turning into a bit of a forum! well about my friends situation, i don't know when i would have been seen surrounded by girls! i do have some friends now. We went into town and watched the lights being switched on, that was good, just very cold!!! we got to listen to big brova's (bangin' innit!) maybe i was talking to some people, when your informant saw me, i don't know, i do talk to people, just not very often and not much more than "how's the assignments going?" mostly.
Man this is a strange weekend! i went to the bar on friday night because they're closing it, i made some more friends then, they made me dance though!!!! i didn't mind so much the 70's disco or even the Bonjovi ("WOOOAH!....(somebody finish it off for me...)") but the happy hardcore rave stuff, i don't think so! (big fish, small fish, cardboard box, big fish, small fish.....) I'm now on my own again though, which i don't mind so much, i'm not feeling very sociable since i didn't sleep after friday night until gone 4a.m. and then walking around brum all yesterday till 9p.m. i'm cream crackered! but now i really am living the student life, i now have £4 'nd nine p'nce to live off next week, i have no milk or bread or cereal and the bus into town is £1.10 each way, hehe! this'll be fun!!! i could go to the corner shop but thats expensive, there is a cool cheap shop on the estate next to college, but its advised to only go there during the day and under armed escort! oh well, i'll have to live off all my dehydrated packets of food and beans on toast...without the toast. : /

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I'm not coming home next week!
somebody stole my job at work so i'm not needed there and so i decided to have a whole weekend here, to try and settle and actually make some friends! (not that that's ever gonna happen!) not that this really affects any of you particularly, anyway, at least i feel like i'm having some sort of discourse with someone since the only words i've shared with anyone since i've got back was a kind of half hearted "hey, how's it goin'?" with paul next door, he's not very talkative anyway, well not with me. My fingers are all covered in black metallic stuff, if you really wanted to know? i've brought back one of my proper guitars and my amp and i have discovered the joy (but also expense!) of metal plectrums £1.50 each!!!!! but they are fun! side effects include black metallic stuff on your fingers though, i guess its where the strings rub it off. now i look like i have a bionic thumb. very weird. anyway, there you go. I'm tired, you can probably tell can't you. Meh. I'm off to bed. Goodnight. God bless. <><

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I'm going to court!

I got a letter telling me that i may have to go to court and pay a fine of over £1000!!!!!
I haven't got a tv license see, and apprently thats illegal, ok fine, you got me that would be IF I HAD A TV!!!!!!!!!!
According to their records my address is unlicensed and unless i pay them £126.50 they're going to "send the boys round" with their special detection van (i wondered why that pizza delivery truck was outside for so long)
So anyway, i thought it highly amusing that i'm under investigation for a criminal offence that i'm not even commiting!
If you ever get one of these letters i don't think they're written very politely, especially when i haven't even done anyting wrong, get this:
"Put simply, if you need a TV license for this address and neglect or forget to buy one, you are risking prosecution and a maximum fine of £1000. This is in addition to court costs, and of course the £126.50 of the tv license you should have brought in the first place." oh well, get you! mr tv man. : p nanananana ~blowing raspberry noises~ I've been passed onto the "enforcement division" well you know what? I couldn't give a monkey's! why do i need a license if i haven't got a TV!? they should really get their facts straight before they go around branding me a criminal, stupid TV laws! Who made you boss anyway!? i didn't vote for you!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"gime? whats a gime?...Oh! a GIME!"

I spelt it kinda phonamoletically to enhanse its comedy value, however if you haven't experienced that episode of the simpsons i'm talking about the GYM.

Yea, i joined the gym, well since i have no need to enhance my muscularly toned fully masculine physique (Why are you laughing?!) i thought maybe it would be a good place to meet more people, WRONG! so i've just waisted more money, that could have been spent on my drumkit/amp/new guitar/effects pedal that i'm going to buy! meh, only money, plus its only BORROWED money, so its not even mine! still its kinda fun on my own. got a blister today from the rowing machine (i was working so hard on it!) and now it hurts :'''( its in the most auquard (i've NEVER been able to spell that word, someone tell me how to please!) place; middle finger, right hand, bottom of the finger in the inside, so everytime i go to close my hand, pick something up etc. it squeezes it and it hurts :'''( ~vain attmept at looking for sympathy~ its gonna burst soon, i can just tell, oh wont that be fun, oh and i'm sure you wanted to know that!

Wow, a post about blisters, my imagination has REALLY gone down hill lately. oh well off to bed in a bit, goodnite, God bless