And now i'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our big happy family........

Yes!!!! Woo, i'm up to 11!!!
Its not here yet, infact will take a while to arrive but i've just brougt it from mr Bob Hartman himself, AND its gonna' be autographed!!
He makes some serious beices of kit now, i'd like to buy them all, but this is the cheapest and most distinctive, infact, one of the cheapest and most distinctive guitars i've seen in a long time, and one of only a very very few, infact maybe even the ONLY one in the Uk!!!
Yay, now its only two more from Bobs house to buy, an Ibanez Jem, Gibson les Paul and maybe a few more on the way, just for fun. oh yea, and a bass, and drum kit, and recording studio aaand Then i'll be satusfied, for a while.
Looks funky ^^ Glad you're keeping up with your guitar collection, nice to know some things don't change :D
Not bad. How much has that set you back? ;p
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and i thought you were going to stop at 10 guitars!! :p hehehe looks vvvv cool
one of the universal constants of the...well universe is that MJM will always need more guitars
Yes indeedy, one can never have too many, well not if they're at the right price. This one, only £194!!!! That includes hard case (usually about £90 anyway) shipping (abt. £40) aaand being made by the most incredible amazing guitar genious on the planet, oh and did i mention it would be autographed. Autogrpahed by Bob, thats Bob Hartman, the absolute genious who founded PETRA the one band who has defined and almost singlehandedly created christian rock music and changed the music industry forever!!!
I guess you can tell i like it.
its purty
I want this;
No way!!! i want it too!!! Aren't they so cool!? Although I'd have the white one I think, I wouldn't want to look too much like a Nancy. Plus the blue pikups and hardware look cheap. When i get one it'll be gold and white! Still with the tree pattern on the neck though. But anyway. That wont be for a long time, have you seen the price of those?!
i know, but the price makes it more appealing ;D
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