One of the oddest days of my short little existance

Well It all started with an e-mail; Do you want to come and pick up your guitar from me in person, : o Would I?!
So off i trundle at eight in the morning down to new street (note this is my first ever solo train journey!) to catch the connection to euston. The plan was to meet at about lunchtime, just after midday, well i got there and by the time i found the hotel it was about quarter to, so I told the receptionsist my buisness and she sent me to sit in the bar, with a complimentary glass of juice (how nice)
Well i waited, and waited, and waited, for about two hours, i guessed his fligt was delayed or something, he was coming straight from the plane. But then, looking out the window i noted a coach pulling up (he was with a big group travelling around the uk) and out of the crowd i noticed, the face you see in the photo, the most excellent guitar dude of them all; Bob Hartman! This was it, i'd get to meet him, so all excited i got up walked to the door, just to see the whole lot of them walking down the street! i didn't want to intrude (although with hindsight it wouldhave been better) so i let them go, only to return another hour later. By this time it was like 3 o'clock, but it was all worth it. The party of yanks poured into the hotel and i saw him leant up against a wall, i looked over to catch his glance, he saw me but looked away (he's so shy!) then I went up and smiled again and in his funny little american accent said "Matt? hey!" then i got to shake his hand! I'll never wash it again! (joke) well he was on a tight schedule so all this was a litte rushed, his smile kind of faded and said "i got some bad news" (oh dear) "they lost all our luggage...." (AARGH!) no way! no guitar! :'''( well that was aboutthe sum total of our conversation, I got a photo, but also have 23other pictures to take before I can develop the film. All in all the experience left me a bit unbalanced really, I was absolutley gutted about not getting the guitar, but it evened out the fact that i achived one of my life long aims! Plus the journey back was rather nightmarish, well, more boring, but the basic outcome was this; I've only just got in! its like 10p.m.!
However, even though I didn't get my guitar (i will later) i got to meet Bob Hartman, the dude who I can talk about for hours! Founder of my most favourite band ever, one of the excellent people who decided to begin the christian Rock music genre, an excellent person all round, but you know, you wouldn't think it. To look at he's no different to any other guy. And thats what's so cool about him, he's just an average Joe none of the fame has changed him at all, and yea, he is famous. Come on, how many people can say that they've played gigs in from of over 10,000 people recorded over 22 successful albums & kept a band alive for over 33 years despite unprecidented opposition from the industry and public!? You wouldn't think that that guy has written hundreds of real head banging rock songs, he's kind of quiet and introverted, a real thinker, but content and happy, kind of reminds me of me a little (well the quiet bit at least) I just wish I could play guitar and write songs like him! It was excellent, really cool, although it was short and rather uneventful, it'll take a very long time to forget today!
sorry you havent got your guitar yet!! *huugs* but like you said you got to meet bob hartman must have been an amazing moment, not everyone can say theyve met their hero and shaken hands with them :)
unfortunately he said he'll probably miss me when I go get it, unless we get there either really early or kind of late, but he's still gonna sign it. And today, well it was a good day, until about an hour ago.
whats wrong?? *huuugs*
Hey, I've just noticed, look at the picture behind Bob there, doesn't that look like the bottom of a Dalek creeping up on stage behind him?!
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