Computer Brains

My internet connection has been down all week and shows no signs of being mended so here I am in the computer room. I'm getting rather worried as to how good I'm getting at Tetris, its all my computer will run properly at the moment; old dos games. but its still kinda fun, i even mangaed to beat the computer in a 2 player mode, thats like impossible! Also I've just discovered Street fighter, see when i was younger and all the nintendo and Sega stuff was out on the consoles I couldn't play them because we only had a pc, this was good in a way becasue instead my upbringing encorporated such excellent games as Commander Keen (1-7), crystal caves and galactix, all of which i have now rediscovered thanks to a wonderful (although a bit dodgy) disk I got off ebay, 300 freeware dos games and emulated dos games for about £4. So thats what i'm doing alot of now, playing old games that I never had done before, who needs Physics accelerated ultra high definition graphics enhansed real-time playability, when you can have two pixelated anime characters with over-exaggerated features throwing fireballs at eachother?!
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